Monday, January 28, 2013

Love is Blind

SO I stumbled upon some letters Tay and I wrote each other during our long distance relationship. Well rather.. some electronic letters. I read some of my own words I really needed to hear, and I also had to laugh at how consistent my husband is.

Recently, Tay and I have discovered his lack of detail when writing is not contained to academic writing, but also to emails. He has had to write some professional emails lately, and I of course being the overbearing person I am.. read some of them. (shudder) While being very succinct and efficient (two of Tay's greatest gifts), punctuation and capitalization left some room for improvement... specifically he did not capitalize any of the "I"'s. I figured my speed typer Hubby just didn't proofread so I asked him to next time just do a quick run through of what he had written.

Well the next time, he managed to catch one "I" he did not capitalize, but left another three uncapitalized. I think at this point my OCD nervous twitch kicked in.

Of course I asked him if he had checked over his email before he sent it, and he replied he did. I informed him.. dearest.. that he had skipped a few of the capitalization errors again. I proceeded to write a few of the next emails, but there again came a time where he sent his own.

And once again, there were a couple of the "I" 's not capitalized.


Heavens to Purgatory!!! I know I am absolutely ridiculous. And I have to repent that this for some reason was beyond my ability  to comprehend or understand. I kept thinking... Taylor is extremely intelligent... really smart. I mean the dude is blowing through Ayn Rand's books right now.  Why? WHY? Then I realized..... 

He probably thinks the same exact thing when I leave the lights on everywhere... leave the cupboard doors open... destroy my closet trying to find one outfit... forget to close the bags of his favorite chips (after eating most of them).. had to have the manager at the grocery store announce over the intercom that my car was blocking traffic because I had not put it into gear and it had proceeded to roll down a hill and stop in front of the grocery cart retrieval area... or when I rolled across a parking lot WHILE IN MY CAR because I once again forgot to put it in gear and was texting on my phone.. just to name a few. 

Umm tee hee? Aren't I cute? ha. ha?

So I let go of the capitalizing "I" problem. It is not a big deal. Then today I opened up the letters we had written to each other while dating.

                                               NOT ONE "I" WAS CAPITALIZED

And this.. my dear friends.. is proof that while you date... love is blind.

Sidenote: I am sure glad capitalization is one of the few irritations I have to deal with with Tay... and even more glad that he puts up with the many I give him :) 

1 comment:

  1. This is both hilarious and profound Shelbi. You are a wise and beautiful young woman. And the description of your foibles reminded me of my dearest best friend..
