Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hello South Dakota...

I have moved. I have moved to Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I find it interesting that whenever anyone finds out that I chose to move from San Diego to Sioux Falls I get a blank stare followed by the question of the year: Why?

Well Sioux Falls. I will tell you why. I have always wanted to live in the cold. I love waking up to seeing the thermometer at a blissful -3. I like that I have started to worry about frostbite if I am outside for any length of time without a pair of gloves. It has also always intrigued me to be in a place that people leave their cars running in parking lots while they shop just so they don't get their hands stuck to the steering while they wait for the car to warm up. I also love dry skin and the constantly feelng that somehow I am getting a sunburn.

My favorite thing about living in the cold is figuring out how to sleep in it. Granted, Taylor and I have had our own difficulties figuring out how to sleep in a dang bed together. It will forever confuse me how he can say that I push him off the bed when clearly there is a measurable size difference between the two of us. Refer to picture below:
Yes ladies and gentlemen. Look at those muscles... that is what much time in the gym looks like. Please refrain from all comments on the pure bulk and mass of those muscles. Yes, I, Shelbi Klein, am able to displace my husband from his place on the bed with those babies... Or at least thats the story I am getting from the other side of the bed ;) Ok I am now done with my tangent.

Where was I? Oh yes... learning to sleep in South Dakota. So I want you all to remember what it is like to sleep with the heater on... that dry, stale air sliding up and down your throat all night long... creating a sort of scraping feeling when one breathes. Don't forget the feeling that absolutely all moisture has left your skin. This is not an environment that is conducive to sleeping. No sireee. So what does one do? One turns down the heater. But in a world where your home is but a thin barrier protecting you from cold and wind what does this mean? It means cold house. So one wraps up in blankets yes? Well there is still a problem here... One.. rather I... wrap myself up in blankets.. happy that my toes have begun to thaw... until I begin to sweat. I don't know anyone who likes to sweat when they are sleeping. I personally hate the feeling. So.. in my half asleep state of mind.. of course my first reaction is to throw off the blankets, but oh no.. guess what Shelbi? Yes.. you live in South Dakota, and you turned down your heat. I freeze. The sweat becomes icycles. You can just repeat this cycle.

I will tell you when I figure out how to sleep.

Now real talk.. I moved to South Dakota for the only reason that any girl leaves any place: a man. Duh. But not just any man. I moved for my most favorite man in the whole world! Taylor James Klein somehow endures my company everyday and has promised to do so for the rest of our breathing days. Commitment is my favorite thing ever. I love my husband. I absolutely love being married, and I could not be more thankful for where I am right now in life. I can't wait to get my Mrs. Klein jersey for this fall's football season!

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