Sunday, January 22, 2012

Job Hunting.... in Winter

SO the first day I decided to venture out into the unknown that is Sioux Falls... Mother Nature... insert expletive.. decided to send me a present.... Snow. I had been very excited to see the snow until I realized that I was going to have to drive in it. And as if this was not good enough... learning to drive in the snow and all.. my car is a stick shift. And I just learned to drive it.

Lets just say... watching the mailman slither and spin out while trying to get away from the curb did not put much confidence in my already.. umm... LIMITED ability to drive stick.

I invite you to picture this:

I took off in my little Camry.. Pleasantly scraping the bottom of my car across the curb (sioux falls for some reason puts a dip right before the curb... EVERYWHERE). After pummeling my way through the snow, I try my best to stay in first almost everywhere I go, but it seems that annoys people around you. Go figure. I was just terrifed of sliding and hitting people... the speed limit is like 35 everywhere...gimme a break.

SIDENOTE: I would just like to say that road rage is not limited to California. I had a few women this day yell and wave their arms at me. Umm hello.. the road is covered in snow and look at my license plates!! Geeze you would think people could have a little mercy. I cannot help that you have xray vision  enabling you to see the lines in the road through the snow... or that you have a death wish and drive way over the speed limit. I on the other hand am a normal human being, and I wish to live... and to not hit your car... yes you are WELCOME.

Here I am in a town that is basically a square so I figure why print out directions to all the places I am going.. I am just going to use my iphone. Duh.

Classic SoCal girl error.

Reason 1: Cars around here are freezing when you get into them if they have not been running for like.. the last 20 minutes. So as stated before.. you wear gloves in the car. No problem right? WRONG.

Reason 2: You cannot.. and I repeat.. CANNOT.. navigate on your iphone with gloves. The screen does not register with the glove material.

So there goes the warmth of my hands for the next 5 hours of job searching. I contemplated leaving the car on when I went into places, but I just can't break the habit of locking the car.. and then double checking that it is locked.. in case someone might steal it... or hide in the back of my car. I don't care if there is no way someone would steal my car due to the fact they have nowhere to go once they leave the city.  The distrust of strangers is just too deep. I am sorry midwest.

So that was my day. Struggling to shift, very cold, struggling to navigate, and dealing with women who need to get a life.

Please refrain from any blonde comments.

Also, I have given up on my cute matching outfits and high heels. I can't tell you how relieved I felt when I saw that people out here wear parkas and boots. I thought they all had some mutant gene that allows them to withstand the cold all the way into negative temperatures... but no. They are just like me.

One day out in my pea coat and my closed toe high heels was all I needed to realize that it is perfectly fine to dawn the parka and leather Ugg boots :)

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